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Time Sure Does Fly

Time advances with an almost imperceptible swiftness. It feels as though Christmas was but yesterday, and yet, in less than eight weeks, we shall find ourselves at Easter. A mere eight weeks beyond that, the year will already be at its midpoint.

Remarkably, it has now been an entire year since Susan and I arrived and I began my ministry here at WBC. Reflecting on the past twelve months, we can undoubtedly identify numerous significant and meaningful accomplishments—milestones that have contributed to the mission of our community. Conversely, we may also recognize endeavours that, despite demanding considerable time and effort, proved to be of little lasting consequence.

Scripture offers us profound wisdom on the passage of time and its rightful stewardship. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." Likewise, Ephesians 5:16 exhorts us to
"Redeem the time," urging us to exercise wisdom, to plan with foresight, and to invest our energy in pursuits that hold eternal significance in God's kingdom rather than being consumed by the transient and the trivial.

This is, indeed, a challenge for us all—a call to intentionality, discernment, and faithful stewardship of the fleeting moments entrusted to us.

Pastor Sandro Schietroma