Special Interest Groups

Know Your Bible

KYB is part of the Women's Ministry of CWCI (Christian Women Communicating International).

It is an interdenominational organisation. All ladies, all ages, all walks of life, are welcome.

Where: Wonthaggi Baptist Church
When: Wednesday (once a fortnight)
Time: 11:30am till 12:45pm
Lunch: BYO Sandwich

If you would like to know more, or are interested in joining the group, please contact Wendy 0422 427 572 or Robyn 0406 460 363.

Christian Book Club

The Book Cub is a group of enthusiastic readers who love the Lord and want to increase their knowledge as they read a wide range of Christian books.

They share helpful teaching from the books they have been reading and life issues.
They have a worship time and pray for each other’s concerns and needs in the wider community.

They praise God for His answers to prayer.

They meet in Inverloch once a month, the day varies.

If you are interested in being part of this group, please contact Hilary 0408 388 854.