You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. 'For God loves a person who gives cheerfully'. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.
2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (NLT)
Give In-Person
We receive gifts, tithes and offerings every Sunday during the morning service. Many people prefer to give directly into the church bank account, through electronic or other means, which we encourage all to consider.
Give Online
Direct Debit through your financial institution:
Wonthaggi Baptist Church
General Fund (Tithes/Gifts/Missions)
BSB: 033-265
Account No: 287757
Give to the General Fund through Baptist Financial Services (BFS):
BFS provides the iGive Church Offerings facility for congregations to make regular electronic contributions to support the ministry of their church without additonal charges.
Payment options include:
- Credit Card - Visa or Mastercard only
- Direct Debit Request
To give online via BFS with a Credit or Debit card click here